ask each family to consider one opportunity through the year in which they can
participate and lend a hand, whether it be a working bee, school disco or
something else entirely. It’s a great way to be involved in our school and also
meet likeminded parents and community members.
are some examples of regular volunteering opportunities that exist in our
school. We thank you for any assistance you can provide.
tuckshop relies heavily on volunteers and anyone is welcome. Parents, grandprents aand community members are encouraged to get in touch with us to join our roster. The more volunteers we have the more baking and food preparation can be done onsite. No experience is needed and we welcome any time you can give, whether it be once a fortnight or month, if only for a few hours. Volunteering is a great way to meet other parents and become part of the BMSS community and at the same time be inspired by the healthy food that is prepared onsite. We need help from 8:30am until 1:45pm. Duties include serving students, filling lunch bags, making sanwiches or baking muffins. Contact Fiona, our Tuckshop Manager tuckshop@bmsspandc.org to add your name to the roster or for more information. You are assured of a very warm welcome!
Mountain State School students love to read, meaning the library is a hive of
activity. Our librarian is always on the lookout for help from parents or
community members to cover and catalogue books or help prepare special events.
To get involved contact Kellie Williams.
Classroom helpers
of our year levels endeavour to run one incursion or excursion per term, and
parental assistance is vital to their success. Teachers also appreciate the
support to run reading groups and help out with more involved classroom
activities. To discuss opportunities or register your interest, please contact
your child’s classroom teacher directly.
BMSS Kitchen Garden
The BMSS Kitchen meets every Friday to work on the Kitchen Gardens. The gardens require a team of volunteers, young and old, to maintain the garden including compost, worm farms and our own native bees. For more information visit BMSS Kitchen Garden on Facebook.
P&C plays an essential role in our school community, and is dedicated to
providing students with the best possible learning environment. To become
involved simply attend one of the P&C meetings held in our school library Week 2 and 7 at 5.30pm. Once
you have attended your first meeting you are eligible to vote in future
meetings. For more information about the P&C contact secretary@bmsspandc.org
Community Kitchen
Our community kitchen is inclusive to all who wish to volunteer their time and skills and offers an opportunity for new members of the school community to connect whilst giving to families experiencing an urgent situation and fostering kindness.
Aside from volunteering, we gratefully receive food donations of 'dry' ingredients such as rice, pasta, olive oil, passata (tomato cooking sauce) and coconut cream, and conscientiously work to minimise waste. Cash donations are appreciatively accepted from both private and corporate members of our community partners and allow us to purchase quality, fresh and organic ingredients close to 'cook up' dates when our volunteer kitchen hands and cooks go to work in preparing delicious, nourishing meals.
To get involved contact Fiona at our Tuckshop tuckshop@bmsspandc.org
Working Bee
The first Sunday of Terms 1 and 4, a group of dedicated parents, grandparents and community members meet to maintain the school gardens. Bring the kids and any gardening equipment you have. Morning Tea is provided and we meet at 8am in the undercover area near the hall.
P&C Events
The P&C run events each year including discos, movie nights and various stalls (Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas) and volunteers are essential for these to go ahead. Duties could include serving food, selling products, collecting money or selling lollies. Fun is guaranteed and it's great to watch the kids have such a fun time!