P&C Executive Team:
President: Sophia
Email: president@bmsspandc.org
Secretary: Jasmin
Email: secretary@bmsspandc.org
Vice President 1 : Teale
Email: Vicepresident@bmsspandc.org
Vice President 2: Macaela
Email: vicepresident2@bmsspandc.org
P&C Staff:
Operations Manager: Rachel O'Brien
Email: admin@bmsspandc.org
Accounts: Naomi Jones
Email: accounts@bmsspandc.org
Director of OSHC: Adam Barrett
Email: OSHCdirector@bmsspandc.org
OSHC Staff:
Email: OSHC@bmsspandc.org
Tuckshop Manager: Fiona Gambasin
Email: banksiacafe@bmsspandc.org
Uniform Shop: Belinda Choong
Email: uniform@bmsspandc.org
Events Co-ordinator and Marketing Co-ordinator: Margaret Cochran
Email: Marketing@bmsspandc.org
P&C Website: bmsspandc.org
Buderim Mountain State School Parents and Citizens Association plays an active
and essential role in our school community. It is dedicated to promoting the
interests of the school, and providing students with the best possible
environment to learn and thrive.
The P&C functions are:
Fostering general community interest in educational issues;
Promoting widespread community interest in school-related issues;
Providing feedback, when requested, to the Principal and other
staff members on issues that affect students and the general operations of the
Providing financial or other resources through fund raising
activities for the development of an optimum learning environment;
Managing the day-to-day running of the tuckshop and uniform shop;
Overseeing the management of the Outside School Hours Care facility.
P&C meetings are held in our school library at 5.30pm on the 2nd and 7th Tuesday of each term. We welcome you to these meetings, which provide a forum for you to hear the progress of the school and the P&C Association. You can attend in person or join in via Zoom.
These meetings aim to be informative about the school and the education of students. New members are always welcome.