school is an exciting time for students and parents. The first step is to
determine when your child can commence their Prep year by visiting the
Department of Education’s Prep-ready calculator.
Prep Enrolments 2025 - 2026
For families who live within the school catchment Prep enrolments for 2026 open on Tuesday April 28, 2025 and close Friday September 19, 2025 at 3:00 pm. Enrolment forms may be collected from the school office between the hours of 8:00 am and 3:00 pm or downloaded from the school website. Completed enrolment forms and associated information (copy of birth certificate, proof of residence, ICT agreement and media permission) need to be returned to the school office by September 19, 2025.
Families who do not live within the school catchment wanting to enrol in Prep 2026 are invited to complete an Expression of Interest for Out of Catchment Enrolment. These forms are only available from the School Office from Tuesday April 28, 2025 and need to be completed by Friday June 27, 2025. Families who do not reside within the local Sunshine Coast area are asked to contact the school office for further information. Only hard copies of the forms will be accepted and completed forms need to be placed in the Out of Catchment box located in the office foyer by 3:00 pm on Friday June 27, 2025. Families will be notified by email in mid-October in regards to the outcome of their applications for Out of Catchment enrolment.
Prep tours
Prep focus tours are held on a Monday at 9:30am and run from term 2 until the end of term 3. These tours offer parents and children insight into the facilities and culture of Buderim Mountain State School. It is highly recommended that new families to Prep, book in for one of these tours. Bookings for the tours can be made by contacting our administration office on (07) 5477 2777. If you cannot make your booked tour, please contact the office so that your place can be given to other families.
Prep Information Sessions
Prep information sessions and are for all Prep parents who have not had a child attend Prep in the previous two years. These are held in the school hall on Monday November 3rd at 9:30am and Tuesday November 4th at 6pm and run for 2 hours. These sessions are designed to answer all your questions about Prep. These sessions are suitable for parents only due to the information given and the duration of the session. For more information contact our administration office on (07) 5477 2777.
Prep-transition Morning
As part of the Parent Induction Session held on the 3rd and 4th of November, you will be invited to select a morning in late November for your child to participate in a prep transition morning. The transition session will run from 9.30 am until 10.30 am and will be held in one of the Prep Classrooms. This experience is designed to give the children a taste of Prep and offer them the opportunity to discuss this experience with you. This morning session is an essential element of the Transition Process and will provide the opportunity for your child to meet other children coming to Prep in 2026 as well as become a little more familiar with the school.
Parents are requested to remain with their children during this session so that they can share the activities and experience of the Transition morning.
Local kindergarten affiliations
The Prep/Year 1 Deputy Principal works closely with
kindergarten programs in our school catchment area to provide information about
the enrolment process to parents. Some kindergarten classes within walking
distance will visit our school, while other kindergartens will instead receive
a visit from a Buderim Mountain State School staff member.