8-42 Main Street
Buderim Qld 4556
Principal: Neil Jenkins
Telephone: (07) 5477 2777
Fax: (07) 5477 2700
General queries: info@buderimmountainss.eq.edu.au
Student Enrolment: principal@buderimmountainss.eq.edu.au
Finance - Student and Suppliers: accounts@buderimmountainss.eq.edu.au
Administration Team
Mr Neil Jenkins
Deputy Principal Prep to Year 1
Mr Jon Readshaw
Deputy Principal Year 2 to Year 3
Mrs Anne Goodman
Deputy Principal Year 4
Mrs Vanessa Scheltinga
Deputy Principal Year 5 to Year 6
Mr Michael Allan
Business Manager
Mrs Heidi Reitsma
Administrative Officers
Mrs Helen Hall
Mrs Jillian Hermann
Mrs Deb Linford
Parents and Citizens Association
President: Mrs Rachel O'Brien
Telephone: (07) 5477 2737
Email: Secretary@bmsspandc.org
Student absentee line
Qparents is the preferred method of submitting student absences. You can also access:
Student Absences link to register your child's absences online.
Telephone: (07) 5477 2760 (leave a message on this number)
Please contact the school office before 9.30 am for each day your child is absent from school.
First Break 10:55am - 11:35am
Second Break 1:40pm - 2:20pm
Please order online at www.flexischools.com.au
Telephone: (07) 5477 2743
Email: banksiacafe@bmsspandc.org
Uniform shop
Monday 8.15am - 10.00am
Thursday 2.00pm - 3.15pm
Also order online at www.flexischools.com.au
Telephone: (07) 5477 2791
Email: uniform@bmsspandc.org
Outside school hours care
Where: School Hall
When: We operate during school terms and holidays (closed on Public holidays)
Telephone: 0427 204 366
Email: oshc@bmsspandc.org
Website for details and forms: www.buderimoshc.org