Mountain State School uses a variety of assessment methods to make judgements
about a student’s learning journey and identify opportunities for assistance or
Internal testing
In all classrooms, we conduct a suite of year level specific and whole school assessments each term.
This also allows us to track student progress from year to year, identify students needing additional support and students needing extension. Students from all grade levels participate in the testing as part of our school
in Years 3 and 5 take part in the National Assessment Program - Literacy and
Numeracy NAPLAN
every year in March. All participants receive an individual report on their performance. While NAPLAN testing is not compulsory, it is
considered an ideal opportunity to check-in on your child’s understanding
by the University of New South Wales, ICAS is a skills-based
assessment program with a 30 year history. Testing takes place in the areas of
English, Mathematics, Science, Spelling, Writing and Digital Technologies, for
students in Years 2-6. Participation is voluntary, occurs outside of school
hours and incurs a small fee. Families may wish to use these test results to
facilitate entry to some secondary schools.